Sunday, May 25, 2008

I'll take a Philly cheese with a side of JC

Philadelphia is the 6th largest city in the United States with a population of 5.9 million. Being the first industrialized city in the United States was quite a feat, and can be seen in almost every part of the city.

One thing I did notice however is a lack of JC. The east coast attitude seems to be one of get out of MY way I'M busy. Quite selfish and cold. This could be the reason that JC ain't spilling out of the pores of city murals and statues.

A lot of artwork seems to be based on a few things; the industrialization of the city, African American influence, the liberty bell, and Ben Franklin. Take for example the picture to the left. Here I am looking out my hotey window at the Ben Franklin bridge to Camden, the most dangerous city in the United States. Even more crime ridden and scary than Detroit, the armpit of Michigan.

It seems that JC pops up everywhere, but this weekend has been in hiding. I'll keep my eyes peeled as I rage the last concert here tonight, Lotus headlines then it's early to bed, early to rise, fly back to Columbus. Maybe I'll see JC on the plane ride home, maybe he'll sit next to me so I can repent.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Artist Statement

One very human response to serious and dire situations is humor. By using humor we are able to lighten our fears and burdens in our hearts with laughter. Laughter is the best medicine, or so I've been told. Laughter's cousin, the smile is just as important, and it's amazing how pointing a camera at someone makes them smile.

The dire situation that is the state of our world today is very sad and depressing. Children are starving, wars are being fought, and morality has plunged especially in the Catholic church. So what are we to do with all this negative input, how can anyone be happy when so many horrors are taking place, now. Now. And Right now.

JC and ME is an alternative approach to the negativity being fed to us by traditional media outlets. JC and ME flip-flips the negative and puts a positive, humorous spin on the role religion, and specifically Jesus, plays in our society. I feel people should smile when they are confronted with Jesus rather than to fall into a religious stupor. This is why I propose to take pictures of myself with Jesus, this makes me smile, and I want others to feel this same joy by conducting their own photo shoots with JC.

Get serious, get JC and ME.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Thou Shall Not Covet Your Neighbor's Wife

Okay, so the ninth commandment states that you shall not covet your neighbor's wife. Pretty simple, if she's married, do not make an attempt to brake the sacred bond of marriage. At least that is what I would consider those words to mean in today's society. Apparently that is not so. If I were to look at a married woman with lust in my eye I have already committed adultery. Holy shit. That's a little harsh, no? I've met some hot wifes while spending the last 5 years of my life as a server at country clubs. Lots of botox and silicone, you might think you were in Cali if you didn't know any better. However I digress from my point.

The commandment says neighbor's wife, nothing is mentioned about fiance. Now more than ever marriage is a option that often ends in years of misery before a divorce finally sets free the two trapped parties. And that's what marriage is after all, a trap, just one you are comfortable being caught in. So in the event of a proposed marriage, one that has yet been made legal, is it (let's not use the word sin, i hate thinking petty things are sins) wrong to desire your neighbor's fiance? After all that sacred bond has yet to be made and perhaps this is just how the cards of life fall.

It's like making that full court buzzer beater to win the championship game, you have to make the most of the time you have. I know I will. Will You?

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Chocolate Jesus Part Deux

I find it most difficult to concentrate during the warm spring months. The air is nice and cool while the sun is mellow and warm. It makes for a combination of lazy days and wild nights. Factor into this school work and you can see the equation does not add up properly. While trying to find the delicate balance between end of the quarter work and some nice R and R I figured I would elaborate on Chocolate Jesus a little bit more. For example; did you know that one nude Chocolate Jesus sculpture contains 485,000 odd calories? If you are like most Americans and stick to a strict 2000 calories a day one Chocolate Jesus would be enough to sustain you for 242 days. That's like almost a year. kinda.

This is a book. Chocolate Jesus by Stephan Jaramillo. I couldn't find like an official webpage or anything, but he's basically a dude, who has written three books. Going Postal, The Scoundrel, and Chocolate Jesus. Chocolate Jesus is a story about Wilbur Bea, the son of Mrs. Bea who built a candy empire from the ground up. Wilbur has been appointed CEO or some shit, but as long as his mother is still alive he is second in command. Anyway he enjoys hookers and booze and living frivolously. I imagine somewhere Jesus candy is made from chocolate, but the preview only spanned 8 pages.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Emaculate Confection

Here I thought I'd google Chocolate Jesus and see what fun I could have; two hours later I've only gotten to and I have to leave for class. Here are a few gems I found, and I'll probably post more later on this evening.

Friday, May 9, 2008

JC and ME Photoshoot Number 3

Every now and then one stumbles upon greatness by accident. This is no exception. I got invited to a playboy party in the east residential area just off campus. It was a little cold and rainy that night but despite the weather I ventured off to what I hoped would be at least an evening full of scantly clad bunnies running around doing jell-o shots and maybe a pillow fight? I wasn't too sure but remained optimistic as I walked up the twenty or so steps that led to the house occupied by 8 women in their early 20's. I had a 6-pack of Newcastle Brown Ale in tote because I won't lie, when I do decide to hit of a college party the beer selection makes me want to vomit. I digress.

I walked in, and just like any college party the kids were lined up to play a disease sharing game called beer pong. The whole idea behind this game is that when it is your turn to play you fill up 10 used plastic cups with a small amount of beer in each. Apparently 2 beers is the normal to fill up the 10 cups to the desired level. They then proceed to throw ping pong balls on the disgusting floor, returned by spectators then "sanitized" in cups of water that everyone who plays dips their unwashed hands into. It's quite disgusting and refuse to play personally. Navigating the bodies I made my way to the back deck where I was greeted by a bunny named Katie and to my surprise, trying to get his mack on was JC himself! I knew it was him instantly, this robe, beard, and most of all the NATTY LIGHT gave him away. I insisted on a few pictures and JC obliged. What a nice guy! I asked him if he could turn the natty into something better to which he replied, "Don't concern yourself with that, let's smoke this spliff that Tupac gave me before I left Heaven."

JC gots the hookup! signed!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

JC Got Me on the Oval

Would you like to get to know God personally? This is a concept that Christians often preach to others. The idea is that as people we never can reach God, he's just too far up there, but this is why Jesus was sent to earth, to be a connection between God and the people. So realistically a personal relationship with God is not possible via the protocol previously mentioned.

Yesterday I was sitting on a bench on the oval just outside of Hopkins and Hayes halls. I was approached by two young guys, one with a beard and some needed to shave stubble, and one that was schlepping a backpack. As they walked up to me all I could think about was being at a festival, and seeing these two guys approach offering hash, or LSD, instead they offered their drug of choice, JHC.

Now I must give it up to these guys, they just wanted to have a conversation, and were pretty low key on the preachy stuff. They handed me a stack of pictures and asked me questions like which pictures represent your current state of life? which pictures represent your relationship with God? etc. etc. I answered and we had a wonderful conversation about God, Jesus, life, spirituality, conflict, and economics. All and all these guys were just high oh JHC and were walking around talking to strangers.

Anyway, they were members of campus crusade for Christ at OSU, so I figured if JC took the time to have them come to me, the least I can do is raise awareness of their cause weather or not I support it.

CCFC @ OSU Events:

May 8 - Are Christians Hypocrites?

May 15th - Are Christians Anti-Gay?

May 22nd - Are Christians Judgmental?

(All events are located in Independence Hall @ 8:00pm)

Monday, May 5, 2008

Fear Mongering

Perusing the fine internets today I came across a site that I can't figure out how I ever missed. This literal slice of interweb heaven yielded a gem when I watched the first video I found. I think the title is called "what if?" but is should be called "Fear Drives Religion."

If anyone finds any special videos on there I encourage you to share them on this blog.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Mentioned Again on E-Mails from Jesus

After making a post about Gay Jesus here on the blog, I made a comment on a post at E-mails from Jesus only to have them turn my comment and link into another front page post. I guess with JC by my side this blog will become a success.

I really want everyone to take a humorous look at this 2000 year old figure which still dominates the lives of millions of people, because without noticing the humor in it, we realize how fucking scary this whole religion thing really is.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Pregnant Woman Sees Jesus Image in Ultrasound

When an Ohio woman looked at an ultrasound she expected to see a developing fetus. Instead, she saw what she believes to be an image of Jesus Christ.

Monet Sledge, from Lorain, Ohio, got an ultrasound in preparation for her first baby and was shocked when she saw what appeared to be an image of Christ on the Cross. MORE.

So I guess this is the ultimate JC and ME ever.