Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Fun JC Links

Before I make the next photo shoot post, well I need to take some pictures. Since I have yet to do that I wanted to pass along some fun Jesus Links I've found. All of these links will apper in the Internet + Jesus Links section to the right. -- Um, dress up a crucified Jesus in Wizard of Oz clothing. I'm sure there is a joke in there somewhere but I don't want to get stuck by lightning on this sunny spring afternoon. -- Odd hand drawn Jesus pictures with funny captions added to them. Hit refresh/reload to see a new picture. -- Winking Jesus. I guess this was some sort of internet hit I missed out on some years ago. JC didn't wink for me, and both response buttons are just add links. -- does all the things I'm afraid to. Horribly offensive content within! -- A calm flash of Jesus swimming and swimming and swimming. -- I always knew he was. I hear he's voting for Obama too. -- A social networking site designed to bring together both believers and non-believers for stimulating conversation about Jesus. -- The blog and podcasts associated with the Atheists for Jesus website. -- E-mail either Jesus or Satin and they may write back on their joint blog.


Mike Cargioli said...

I don't know if you're familiar with raptor jesus or not. He went extinct for our sins.

Anonymous said...

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lolikneri havaqatsu