Every now and then one stumbles upon greatness by accident. This is no exception. I got invited to a playboy party in the east residential area just off campus. It was a little cold and rainy that night but despite the weather I ventured off to what I hoped would be at least an evening full of scantly clad bunnies running around doing jell-o shots and maybe a pillow fight? I wasn't too sure but remained optimistic as I walked up the twenty or so steps that led to the house occupied by 8 women in their early 20's. I had a 6-pack of Newcastle Brown Ale in tote because I won't lie, when I do decide to hit of a college party the beer selection makes me want to vomit. I digress.

I walked in, and just like any college party the kids were lined up to play a disease sharing game called beer pong. The whole idea behind this game is that when it is your turn to play you fill up 10
used plastic cups with a small amount of beer in each. Apparently 2 beers is the normal to fill up the 10 cups to the desired level. They then proceed to throw ping pong balls on the disgusting floor, returned by spectators then "sanitized" in cups of water that

everyone who plays dips their unwashed hands into. It's quite disgusting and refuse to play personally. Navigating the bodies I made my way to the back deck where I was greeted by a bunny named Katie and to my surprise, trying to get his mack on was JC himself! I knew it was him instantly, this robe, beard, and most of all the NATTY LIGHT gave him away. I insisted on a few pictures and JC obliged. What a nice guy! I asked him if he could turn the natty into something better to which he replied, "Don't concern yourself with that, let's smoke this spliff that Tupac gave me before I left Heaven."
JC gots the hookup! signed!
The homage hast left me verklempt. Everything is perfect down to the last detail - except I always have a handful of grivenes with my Natty.
Not sure where to post this but I wanted to ask if anyone has heard of National Clicks?
Can someone help me find it?
Overheard some co-workers talking about it all week but didn't have time to ask so I thought I would post it here to see if someone could help me out.
Seems to be getting alot of buzz right now.
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