Wednesday, May 7, 2008

JC Got Me on the Oval

Would you like to get to know God personally? This is a concept that Christians often preach to others. The idea is that as people we never can reach God, he's just too far up there, but this is why Jesus was sent to earth, to be a connection between God and the people. So realistically a personal relationship with God is not possible via the protocol previously mentioned.

Yesterday I was sitting on a bench on the oval just outside of Hopkins and Hayes halls. I was approached by two young guys, one with a beard and some needed to shave stubble, and one that was schlepping a backpack. As they walked up to me all I could think about was being at a festival, and seeing these two guys approach offering hash, or LSD, instead they offered their drug of choice, JHC.

Now I must give it up to these guys, they just wanted to have a conversation, and were pretty low key on the preachy stuff. They handed me a stack of pictures and asked me questions like which pictures represent your current state of life? which pictures represent your relationship with God? etc. etc. I answered and we had a wonderful conversation about God, Jesus, life, spirituality, conflict, and economics. All and all these guys were just high oh JHC and were walking around talking to strangers.

Anyway, they were members of campus crusade for Christ at OSU, so I figured if JC took the time to have them come to me, the least I can do is raise awareness of their cause weather or not I support it.

CCFC @ OSU Events:

May 8 - Are Christians Hypocrites?

May 15th - Are Christians Anti-Gay?

May 22nd - Are Christians Judgmental?

(All events are located in Independence Hall @ 8:00pm)

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